Listen to Your Heart: 2019 Philippine National Heart Month

Valentine’s Day is the first thing that comes to our minds when we hear the word “February”. However, the season of love is also a celebration for what gives all the love-our hearts! That’s why February is declared as the Philippine Heart Month.
Philippine Heart Month was first celebrated in January 9, 1973 through the Proclamation No. 1096. Now, we celebrate this yearly to encourage public support for the advocacy of promoting cardiovascular health and wellness. Filipinos need to be concerned about this growing health issue due to the rise in the number of people having heart ailments in our country.
Show your support by going for a healthy lifestyle to maintain a healthy heart and prevent it from having cardiac diseases or other heart diseases. You may also join or promote the events and campaigns conducted by health organizations such as the Department of Health and the Philippine Heart Association and the Heart Foundation of the Philippines.
When choosing your Valentine, “Listen to your heart.” is the advice they usually say. But literally, what does your heart actually say? Listen to the beat. Is it normal, fast or slow? In love or suffering from a heartbreak? Whatever it may say, give it a check-up because you’ll be needing a healthy heart to give all your love this season. Let’s make the effort to keep our hearts physically healthy!
Information about topics like cardiovascular wellness and cardiac disease prevention are elaborated and highlighted throughout the Philippine Heart Month celebration. Here are some examples of manageable and effective ways to maintain a healthy heart. Consuming healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meat and fish provide nutrients not only for your heart but for your whole body. Another thing you can do is pursuing an active lifestyle. Choose from regular exercise routines to strenuous sports like swimming, to improve your cardiovascular endurance. We also have some recommendations for cardiac disease prevention such as having heart check-ups every after 2 years and staying away from bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol.
This February, let us all put our hearts up for the Philippine Heart Month! Spread awareness and promote cardiovascular health to all your loved ones. Let’s also show love for our own hearts by practicing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle filled with healthy food, exercise and away from fatty food and bad habits.
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