Pfizer Inc. is a global biopharmaceutical company which concentrates in healthcare, medicine, and vaccines, separated into two main subdivisions. Pfizer Innovative Health (IH) develops medicines and vaccines for patient healthcare, while Pfizer Essential Health (EH) focuses on branded generics and generic injectables.

Among several recognizable brands, Pfizer markets Advil, Centrum, Robitussin, and ChapStick.

The company conbats life-threatening illnesses through its range of vaccines. It is the largest producer of Prevenar 13, used to protect infants, young children, and adults against the pneumococcus bacteria.

Pfizer likewise markets four vaccines for meningococcal disease such as Mencevax, NeisVac-C, Nimenrix, and Trumenba, and one for tick-borne encephalitis, the FSME-IMMUN/TicoVac.

They are likewise one of the first companies to become a part of the Advance Market Commitment (AMC), a partnership between the Vaccine Alliance, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation, which makes it a priority to distribute and make vaccines accessible for infants and children in least-developed countries.